Pop-Up Event: Tea & Tarot 1:1 Clarity Sessions *in person*
Announcing: Pop-up in person Tarot Readings at North Fork 53 Communitea Wellness on the North Oregon Coast September 15th & 17th.
Announcing: Pop-up in person Tarot Readings at North Fork 53 Communitea Wellness on the North Oregon Coast September 15th & 17th.
Join us for an evening of collective experience with ceremonial cacao and the oracle of the Tarot.
Join us for an evening of collective experience with ceremonial cacao and the oracle of the Tarot.
Join us for an evening of collective experience with ceremonial cacao and the oracle of the Tarot.
Join me for an in-person MetaPhysical fair in Portland, OR. I will be offering Tarot readings and will have a full stock of hand-and-heart-crafted Gem Essence Energy Sprays.
The North Coast Community Gratitude Jar is back to collect your submissions of gratitude. Free for all ages to participate, find one of the jars at six local businesses, or make an entry online to our virtual Community Gratitude Jar. Now through December 30th, add your slips of paper and thoughtful sentiments to our community jar to amplify and raise the spirits of North Coast gratitude!
Reconnect with your radiant sovereign joy on twenty acres of private forest with facilitated embodied rituals in a small circle of women and tap into the magic of the land, trees, faeries, and your inner May queen.
Join a circle of women to honor the Celtic holy day of Ostara on the eve of this balance point between equal light and darkness.
We will invoke the blessings of the 2nd planting in the Wheel of the Year with embodied ritual and opportunity to share what seeds we are cultivating in our physical and metaphorical gardens.
Prepare your hearth and home for the growing season by first clearing the ashes of your heart from your phoenix renewal into this Wheel of the Year. We gather in ceremony over Zoom to celebrate Imbolc and honor the Celtic goddess, Brigid, with poetry, flame, and embodied rituals for healing.
An online womxn’s circle to bless & prepare for the rebirth of light and honor the passing year.
Join us in sacred gathering as a constellation of siSTARS on the eve of Yule in the Celtic Wheel of the Year.
Registration required.Heart-based donations in any amount welcome (suggested $9-22)
The 2nd Annual Community Gratitude Jar is open for posting now through December 30th. Free for all ages!
an evening to sit in sacred circle and share wisdom and inquiry from the heart