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IMBOLC CEREMONY: Clearing the Ashes from the Hearth

Imbolc Triple Flame Goddess.JPG

Prepare your hearth and home for the growing season by first sweeping clear the ashes of your heart from your phoenix renewal into the Wheel of the Year. We gather in ceremony over Zoom on the eve of Imbolc to celebrate, honor the triple flame Celtic goddess, Brigid, and sow seeds of inspiration with embodied healing rituals.

We will gather to clear, bless and prepare the ashes as compost for our dreams and seeds of intention, empowered by this cross-quarter Celtic holy day that marks the midway point between Winter Solstice/Yule and Spring Equinox/Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere.

Please register below to receive the Zoom link on January 31st to join at
4:00 pm PT / 6:00 pm CT / 7:00 pm ET / 2:00 pm HT.

One participant’s name will be selected from my purple silk medicine bag to receive an all new brew gem essence energy spray, “Clear Horizon”, that has been steeping in New Moon and Full Moon lunar energy with labradorite, black tourmaline, clearing prayers, mantras, and essences of protective and purifying plant allies.

Items to have on hand for your altar:

  • poem to share (one you have written or one dear to you)

  • 3 candles

  • dish to safely burn small items

  • bowl of water (spring water, rain, or melted snow if possible)

  • objects or images of Brigid / Brigid’s cross / swan

  • bowl of milk

  • jar of honey

  • dish of sea salt

  • baked good made with wheat, oats or a bowl of grains

  • 9 bay leaves or small slips of paper

  • gold pen or favorite writing utensil

  • favorite piece of jewelry or metal object

  • blue cloth or shawl

  • willow, snowdrops or early Spring flowers (or images)

  • clothing: shades of green, white, silver, gold

Heart-based donations welcome (suggested $9-$22) via VenMo @artandchannel or

Brigid’s cross, made in 2020 with reeds from Ireland

Brigid’s cross, made in 2020 with reeds from Ireland