Art by Kuniko Y. Kraft
✵Winter Solstice✵
Fire & Ice Ceremony️
an online womxn’s circle to bless & prepare for the rebirth of light and honor the passing year
Join us in sacred gathering as a constellation of siSTARS on the eve of Yule in the Celtic Wheel of the Year:
*Sunday, December 20th*
1:00-2:30 pm PT
3:00-4:30 pm CT
4:00-5:30 pm ET
11:00 am-12:30 pm HT
🌹We will bless the space between us and call upon the consciousness of the Magdalene flame, Violet flame, Christos-Sophia and the cosmic field to bridge darkness & light, fire & ice, masculine & feminine as we open space to birth a new era - first within ourselves and then into the Collective.
🌹Prepare your vessel and altar to bless the fertile darkness and receive the light as Jupiter & Saturn will pass within 1° of each other on the Solstice, illuminating the night sky on December 21st like a conjoined bright star, an astronomical event that has not appeared since 1226.
🌹Sign up for the Zoom link through the Registration link below.
Heart-based donations welcome (suggested $9-22)
VenMo @artandchannel or
🌹One registered participant will be selected to receive a freshly-crafted “Heart of Gold” Gem Essence Energy Spray from Art & Channel Alchemy.
🌹A portion of what we collect and amplify with blessings will go toward Mother/Baby kits for birthing mothers in Yemen through UNFPA, a humanitarian organization that supports and advocates for reproductive health, safe birth, and an end to gender violence.
🌹Your guide for this event is Adria, a poetess and RITUAL Priestess in the Avalon tradition.
Items to have on hand:
-journal & pen
-red or white rose (or image)
-purple cloth or crystal
-object made of gold
-bowl of water
-sea salt
-blessing to share
-veil or shawl