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Spring Equinox / Ostara Ceremony for balance amidst growth

Balance. Fertility. Birth. Growth.

Join a circle of womxn to honor the Celtic holy day of Ostara on the eve of this balance point between equal light and darkness :: the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere.

We will invoke the elements and goddess energy of Eostre, as well as the sacred masculine energy symbolized by the potent nature essence of the Greenman. In this space, we will offer blessings for the 2nd planting in the Wheel of the Year, and practice with embodied ritual to presence balance as a dynamic dance of growth.

Each one of us will have opportunity to share what seeds we are cultivating in our physical and metaphorical gardens that we may bless, nourish, and uplift all our creations.

Please register below to receive the Zoom link for gathering on Friday, March 19th at
5 pm PT / 8 pm ET / 7 pm CT

Heart-based donations welcome via VenMo @artandchannel or

Suggestions for items to place upon your Ostara altar:

 ❋The Elements: Air (ex: incense, feathers), Fire (ex: candle, oils), Earth (ex: stones, crystals), Water
 ❋Spring flowers as expressions of solar energy with Gaia’s delight
 ❋Eggs - plain or decorated, real or representational as symbols of potential, fertility, & balance
 ❋Chocolate or sweet treat as nourishment for your soul
 ❋Hare/rabbit figurines or images as symbols of the moon/rebirth
 ❋Serpent/dragon images or figurines as symbols of growth, energy, activation

Items to gather for embodied rituals during ceremony:

 ❋seeds (or beads)
 ❋small container - bowl, dish, or planter
 ❋cup of water
 ❋two twigs/branches
 ❋twine, yarn, or ribbon
 ❋journal & pen