Spoke the Invisible Tiger on Beltane Eve

An original spoken word verse poem, written in 2020 and spoken by Adria Badagnani on April 30, 2022, along with “commentary” from her two-year-old daughter

 Spoke the Invisible Tiger on Beltane Eve

Hear ye, hear ye, the wind and guardians of the East:
We summon fresh air and perspective to join our Springtime feast.

Hear ye, hear ye, the fire and guardians of the South:
We summon your flame to illuminate and sustain as we dance about.

Hear ye, hear ye, water and guardians of the West:
We summon your flow to immerse us and purify our quest.

Hear ye, hear ye, Earth and guardians of the North:
We summon soft, stable ground for our maypole dance to spring forth.

Hear ye, Above
Hear ye, Below
We call upon you now to join our orchestrations, fast and slow.

Hear ye, Within
Hear me, Within
We draw our hands close, honoring our skin.

The fairies are fasting and ready for a feast.
They desire our adoration long-lasting from docile doe to wooly beast.

Open your honey hearts, speed forth the unctuous drip.
Pour sweet milk in kind little bowls and offer a thirst-quenching sip.

The invisible tiger calls forth the May Day Eve vibe
Dance, we will, into the ear of the tribe.

We are in the same storm, not the same boat.
We call upon compassion, connection to keep us afloat.

The realms are cheering on our earthly restoration;
They chant and pray for our trans-global liberation.

A paradigm shift has long been foretold.
This era is unveiling higher dimensions - Behold! -
and Be held!
Be bold - the tides have swelled!

We sift through the wreckage of forgotten dreams.
We mend the chasms and schisms that burst at the seams.
Every One is a thread in the tapestry of the Living;
Let us weave with equanimity a garment worth giving:

A gift for the Earth and all of her features,
A pattern that reflects the value of all creatures.
From wingéd ones, crawling ones - seen and unseen -
To swift-leggéd ones, swimming ones - and all forms in between.

Let us inhabit the space of meanwhile, linger longer in moments of benevolent space.”
Let us rise together, lift one another, stronger to grow in Truth and Grace.

Let our hearts be opened, strummed and tuned.
Let us be gentle and address our collective wounds.

May the wisdom of flowers, plants and trees
breathe new life and heal places of disease.

Let us reclaim the power of clover, violet, dandelions,”honored as medicine from Pachamama,
not just pesky weeds.
Let us reclaim the power of voices in alliance,
advocating justice, sustenance for our worldly needs.

Let us dance a spiral of awakening.
Let us dance a spiral of truth.
Let us dance a spiral of hastening
prosperity for the agéd and our youth.

Let us dance a spiral for loved ones far and near.
Let us dance a spiral for courage to transmute rising fear.

Let us dance a spiral for the healing of Mother Earth.
Let us dance a spiral for her fertility at this time of Beltane rebirth.

Let us dance a spiral for our anger, sorrows, and grief.
Let us dance a spiral for our health, joys, and widespread relief.

Let us dance a spiral for our animal guides.
Let us dance a spiral for our ancestors’ strides.

Let us dance for all that we have lost,
and reveal a new order that values life above cost.

Let us inhale, exhale, and take sacred pause —
better to feel and listen deeply to support our co(i)mmunity cause.

Let us dance, let us prance, let us remember to be merry.
Let us laugh, let us cry, sing through the night with the fairies.

And in the dawn of Beltane morning’s dew,
anoint yourself with Hawthorn’s flowers to see the world anew.

As surely and swiftly as white winds skipper the wave,
your open heart will be blessed with abundance, bliss from the Mave.

Dance now into the ear of the tribe.
The invisible tiger summons you now to open the May Day vibe.

Let hilarity and benign mischief ensue
and offer it up without further adieu.

When your frolic is time to conclude,
offer thanks to the directions, released and reviewed.

Dance now into the ear of the tribe.
A new story awaits and you are the scribe.

—Adria Badagnani
April 30, 2020 - Beltane Eve

Adria Badagnani